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Engineered for Success: Belt Tracking System
Posted June 15, 2020
One of our primary goals at ONLINE is to keep your production running smoothly. Many of our design innovations are driven by conversations with maintenance technicians and production managers. Learning what causes delays in day to day operation helps us to improve equipment efficiency and production uptime. In service of this goal, our engineers have developed an automatic belt tracking system. The belt tracking system monitors the position of the belt as the line runs. When the belt is off center, the belt tracking system makes an adjustment to the tracking roller to bring the belt back to center much the same way that manual adjustments to the support rollers have been used in the past.
Once the integrated design was proven in the field, our engineers began working on implementation options for older equipment. Automatic belt tracking is now available as an independently powered unit, integrated with the primary control system for ONLINE systems operating on S7-1200 CPU or newer. A standalone unit with independent controls is also available for older models or where code updates are not desired.
For more information about automatic belt tracking or other retrofit kits visit our Retrofits & Upgrades page or email us at